Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So Ashley says today...

She comes in to my room all ready for school with a different outfit on than the one that we had picked out and she actually looks really cute (sometimes her outfits are a little different). I say to her... "Wow! Look at your cute outfit, you look really cute today." to which she replys... "uh, I know... I TRY to look cute everyday."

Well touche!


Lisa said...

She looked so cute today!! When I was volunteering in the class she came up and gave me a hug. I looked down and thought who's cute little tan arms are these .. Miss Ashley and she looked CUTE today!!! Her was dang cute too!!

K J and the kids said...

I wanted a picture. Your kids always look cute !

Dayna said...

You guys always look cute:)

Katrina said...

At least you know she's confident in herself - wish we were all like that!

Leigh and Buck said...

Boy she got moms attitude! You are going to have fun with her. She is my favorite!


Natalie said...
