1. Who is your man? Steve
2. How long have you been together? Eleven years
3. How long did you date? A year
4. How old is your man? 34
5. Who eats more? Depends - I do more in times in the day... he does more at one sitting
6. Who said I love you first? He did for sure
7. Who is taller? Steve
8. Who sings better? He does for sure - I LOVE his voice. He sang a song at our wedding
9. Who is smarter? On what subject? Steve is forsure much smarter
10. Who's temper is worse? What's worse? I lose mine more frequent, but Steve is more intense.
11. Who does the laundry? Neither one of us - It just piles up :)
12. Who does the dishes? Either one of us - He is always great at this
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are laying in the bed... me - If you are looking at the bed... him
14. Who pays the bills? I do
15. Who has bigger feet? Steve - size 10 1/2 : Me - size 6 1/2
16. Who has longer hair? Me
17. Who is better at the computer? Steve
18. Who mows the lawn? Steve
19. Who cooks dinner? I do
20. Who drives when you are together? Steve
21. Who pays when you go out? Him
22. Who is most stubborn? Both of us on different subjects
23. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me, most of the time
24. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine for sure
25. Who kissed who first? Me - ask Steve about it - it is his favorite story
26. Who asked out who? He asked me to go to work with him to "The Cult" concert. He worked for X96 at the time
27. Who proposed? Him!
28. Who is more sensitive? That's hard....outward appearances, surely me, but Steve is very sensitive
29. Who has more friends? I would say that's a tie.
30. Who has more siblings? I do with 3 - He doesn't have any
31. Who wears the pants in the family? Me - He just lets me decide everything... smart man!