1st I got a call today at about 9:56 am from a friend...
Her "are you coming?"
Me "where"
Her "uh... (long pause) the field trip for Ashley... she said that her Mom was FOR SURE coming and wouldn't miss it"
Me "uh ya... only I COMPLETELY forgot and will have to meet you there"
Okay - I am a terrible Mom but at least Ashley is too young to realize it. I have her fooled for now. When I got to the pumpkin patch Ashley says loudly... "I knew you wouldn't forget" as if I didn't already feel dumb enough in front of all of the parents.
2nd I got Ashley to dance... 5 minutes early, which is a miracle how my days go. When we took her up to the door all of the little girls had on there Halloween Costumes... hmmmm... not Ashley... again I am "mother of the year" She says "oh Mom I forgot to wear my costume... I should have remembered"... as if it is a 5 year olds job to remember those things. I told her that I would run home fast and get her costume.
We did finally end the day good. Shawn received his Webelos Badge at Cub Scouts. He received His Arrow of Light award and 19... yes 19 other awards. At least "mother of the year" was able to help ONE of her Children succeed. The cool thing about the Arrow of Light award... there is only 2 badges that you can wear on an adult scout uniform from your scouting years... EAGLE SCOUT and ARROW OF LIGHT. CONGRATULATIONS Shawn.
No wonder Steve is in scouts.. Shawn is teaching him all that he needs to know. I get it!!!
thanks for being human girl..oh I mean mother of the year. I'd say you made off pretty good under the circumstances!
I love to hear that you forgot the fieldtrip and the costume. You cannot imagine how happy that makes me feel! I always thought you were perfect. Thanks for shedding some light. Ha ha ha!
On a side note, way to go, Shawn! That's so awesome.
Jennica, take good scouting notes for me. We start that stuff in less than a year.
Been there, done that!!! Multiple times...not so fun. You are Mother of the Year in my book!!
Cute picture of Ashley in front of the pumpkins! Be glad she's too young to realize your failings. When they get older, they aren't so forgiving... :)
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