Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I just want to say how lucky of a girl that I really am. I am blessed with so many GREAT GREAT friends that teach me so many ways to be a better mom, wife and person.
~ I have my high school friends that I still hang out with. We went to dinner last night and had a great time just sitting at Rumbi's and talking. We had such a grown up conversation. :) I love you all and wish that we saw each other more often.
~ I have my motorhome (that is what I call them) friends that I really love. We get to hang out with them on trips a few times a year. We also see them often. I love the group. It is fun to relax with all of them and sit back and solve the problems of the world. :)
~ I have my Bonko Babe group. We have gone through so much together and I love everyone of you for who you are and what you teach me. What a great group.
~ I also have the greatest ward friends in the world. I am sorry to all of you who aren't in my ward. You should be because I would love to have you with us. We are a super fun spunky set of girls and I love you for all of the examples that you are to me.
~ I can't forget my old ward friends. I really love that we are still reading about each others lives even though we don't live close anymore. I love to see where you have ended up. I am thankful for the example that you all were to me when I was young and first married. I love you too.

I know that nobody likes a bragging blog but I really feel greatful for my girlfriends today.


Natalie said...

Life is so much better when you have good friends. I'm really glad we're friends.

katie said...

Amen Jennica. I think a good friend includes many things. Especially someone who's easy to be friends with. A good friendship shouldn't have to be difficult.

DeDe said...

It was nice to be together again the other night. It really has been too long. Thank you for your sweet card. It meant a lot!

Julie said...

Brag Away!!! Its not bragging its called being greatful and shouting it from the rooftops. "I love my friends." Your a good woman. I am so thankful I get to be your friend.

Annie said...

Amen Julie, brag away!!! So glad you have great friends, and consider me one!

Anonymous said...

could you say...POPULAR...? He he just kidding... it's because you have a talent... for being a friend. You are a great example to me. dot dot