Saturday, January 19, 2008


Our day today...

First - We have a standing tradition with my parents that has been going on since Shawn was about a year old (11 years now). We go to McDonald's for breakfast EVERY Saturday morning. We have to miss a few when one of us is traveling but we really try not to miss it. Our kids look forward to it and they miss it when we don't do it. We always go to the one on State and 59th South then the kids can't play on the play-set (there isn't one) and they have to pay attention to Grandma & Grandpa. When (if ever) they get more Grandkids we will have them come too. FUN, FUN, FUN!

Second - Alyssa's play practice. She has a lead role in a play called "Down in the Dumps"... she even sings a little solo.

Then - On to Hale Center Theatre to go to a bake sale and auction that benefits a couple in our old ward.

Then - To Harmon's to their case lot sale... I love to get a few things for food storage at the case lot sale.

Next - Somewhere in there I picked up Alyssa. I dropped off Harley for his first ever haircut... he was so scared... he was shaking. I felt terrible. He sure looks cute now though. We also went to Subway for lunch. You know... it was good but I sometimes think that I would like to be 900 pounds so I could eat something like "Training Table" for lunch everyday and "Rio Grande Cafe" for dinner every night.

Finally - we went to our ward party for pizza and salad and GREAT company.

Last - We have The cute Morrell Kids over here for a little late nighter while Jami & Dean go to a friends surprise party. They are all in their jammies and watching "Bratz the Movie".

What a great Saturday.


Natalie said...

That is one busy day. I love your McDonald's tradition.

What group is Alyssa in where she gets to be in a play? Let us know when she performs. That would be a fun girls day out to go and watch her.

I'm seriously jealous of your ward. It seems like you guys have so many ward activities and parties. I need to become the ugly step-child that you drag along to all these fun ward things, ok?

natalie spratling said...

I also love the tradition with g'ma and g'pa. Parker would love it, anything with food. I miss the case lot sales @ Harmons they were a deal. fun to see into your busy saturday.

K J and the kids said...

How are you skinny ! (insert expletive)

I heart Rio Grande ! HEART HEART it. fav. love it.
I'm pregnant it's 9:30 pm and I can't have it. GREAT !