Sunday, January 6, 2008

I am alive... I know that you thought that I fell off of the Earth.

I have been busy to say the least.

First... Christmas - we had such a great Christmas. Santa was good to us. I loved everything about the day. My very favorite gift by far was when our kids all opened up the box with the certificate for the disney cruise and sunglasses for all of them with a note that said something like... "Let's put on our sunglasses and go "SEE" Mickey Mouse in Disney World and on the Disney Cruise". I had to laugh when we had spent all of that money and they were, for a second until it clicked, more excited about the sunglasses. Funny! It clicked finally and now that is all that we talk about.

I love to go over to my Mom & Dad's house on Christmas Morning for my Dad's yummy Christmas Brunch. I love to sit at my parents house and hang out. I loved having Jarred home this year and not lost. I love to wear our cute Christmas PJ's all day. I love to have all of the Grandparents over Christmas night for soup, salad and rolls. I love to sit on the couch and listen to the sounds of my kids playing and talking all day.

Steve gave me a super cool picture from Deseret Book of the Salt Lake Temple. Look on it is the panoramic one that is huge.

The day seemed WAY too short because we had to pack up to leave for Greece. I really wasn't excited to leave our kids. Grandma Karen took the kids to her house to sleep over and we started packing and finally at about 2:30 am we were ready to go. We then got in the hot tub until about 3:15 am. Then finally went to bed. We had to get up SUPER early 5:30 am to leave out house by 6:30 am. WE WERE SUPER TIRED.

I will download my pictures really quick and then post some. I will blog about Greece tomorrow. I am still on Greece Time and it is feeling like it is 5:30 am.

It is good to be back. I missed you guys.


Kelly said...

I'm so glad you are back! I've been wondering how the heck your vacation was. You'd better blog in detail - I want to hear it all.

katie said...

Welcome home Jennica. I expect lots of pictures because I'm pretty sure that's the only way I'll ever to see Greece.

Natalie said...

I'm glad you're back. Ditto what Katie lots of pics so we can all live vicariously through you. Welcome back to the blogging world.